At CanSurvive, we are dedicated to ensuring people challenged by cancer have greater choice in determining their care and treatment
Our focus is on gaining valuable research and a greater understanding of holistic, non-invasive cancer treatments and therapies. In doing so, we provide access to:
I found this wonderful group called ‘CanSurvive’ and my family has become extended. I would say to all who are challenged… follow your gut instincts and don’t let doctors persuade you otherwise and do what you feel is right for you whether it is conventional therapy or alternative or a combination of both. You are the best judge of your own body and what it needs…so LISTEN to what it tells you.
‘Six year breasty graduate’ – that’s me, and the adventure keeps giving. Life has many twists and turns; most come from left field and well off our radar. It continues to amaze me how the most challenging of times can create such wonderful opportunities for change and growth. Albeit only seen clearly in hindsight.