Biological and chemical examination of Pittosporum phillyraeoides [Gumby Gumby]

The leaves of Pittosporum phillyraeoides or leaf extracts called “Gumby Gumby” by the Australian Aboriginals are used for medical treatments. For some time now [noting that this article is from 2007] it is proclaimed on the internet the plant has an effect on cancer and other diseases. But until now [2007] there are no scientific results to support this statement known. Biological testing of the leaves/extracts on a cellular level in vitro [in a test tube] was not done until now. Some preliminary phytochemical [plant based chemical] investigations have been done only about 20 years ago. The research intended to contribute a scientific verification for the use of Pittosporum phillyraeoides [Gumby Gumby] in treating disease. The following results give some insights into our understanding at that time.

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