By Professor Keith Scott-Mumby, MD, MB, ChB, PhD.

For those seeking some alternate thinking on the subject of cancer, this is one book to consider. It takes apart some of the statistics regarding cancer, and rebuilds them in more practical ways.

The book proposes different ways of treating cancer over traditional therapies, in an attempt to give the cancer patient more information about treatments available to them.

Presented in a way that is intended to educate, the book is replete with examples of what does and doesn’t work. It even attempts to provide reasoning why modern medical treatments fail to work. There is something for everybody in this book, whether you believe in alternate therapies or not. The point is to be informed and to discuss the treatment that might be right for you.
And yet, how much you believe is up to you. After all, in its own Disclaimer, the book states it is for “…educational and entertainment purposes only”..